Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thoughts on Aging
Oh, not my body! I sometimes despair over my body, the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging bottom. And often I am taken aback by that old person that lives in my mirror (who looks like my mother), but I don't agonize over those things for long.
I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family, for less gray hair or a flatter tummy.
As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend.
I don't chide myself for eating that extra biscuit, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio.
I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.
I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.
Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 a.m. and sleep until noon?
I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50's & 60's.
will walk along the beach in a swimsuit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set, they too will get old.
I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as, well, forgotten. Eventually I remember the important things.
Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning grey and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so may have died before their hair could turn silver.
As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be opinionated wrong.
I will cry when a small child is shoved into a trunk by a evil mother. When a man brutally kills the mother of his unborn child I will feel rage. I will be proud when justice is fair and furious when it doesn't.
I like being older. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day if I feel like it!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
'We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.'
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes . (This one is my pet peeve...get an education and go to work....don't expect everyone else to take care of you!)
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful. (AMEN!)
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from! (Lastly....)
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution.The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!If you agree, share this with a friend. No, you don't have to, and nothing tragic will befall you if you don't. I just think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Sensible people of the United States speak out because if you do not, who will?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A First-Hand Look at the Middle East from a Friend
Dear Friends,
We are home. I am back with this flu that is going around. I had it before we left and got worse in Egypt. I have really been sick, sure is a waste of time.
Our trip was physically very hard, I lost ten pounds. I am glad I went, but will never go back to Egypt. It is a dirty, ungodly country. The smog in Cairo was terrible. Seventeen million people in that city. They just throw their trash in the streets. The Nile River is polluted to the point of disgusting. I don't know how people who built the Pyramids regressed to what they are today. If the Arabs take over America the way they did London, we will be a slum. Noise pollution was unreal. The people chant their Muslim prayers all day, everywhere. There is no respite. Our tour guide was a Christian, a fine young man. The ungodliness of the population is everywhere. It was a real example of the difference of "light" vs "darkness." Jesus truly brought the Light to humanity.
Israel was clean and wonderful. We could eat the food and drink the water. They were kind and we could feel their love and respect. They may not believe in Jesus but you can tell that God is present in that land. It snowed in Jerusalem while we were there, but still we toured. The Sea of Galilee was stormy. We went out on a boat a short distance, but came right back to shore. The Bible is absolutely true about the fact that you cannot be out on the Sea of Galilee in a boat without danger. We were amazed at the big waves and wind on that sea or lake.
The weather cleared in Israel at the end of the week and we went to the Temple Mount on a beautiful morning. It was a time with the Lord. We stood as the Golden Gate where Jesus will return. It is sealed because the Muslims are concerned He will return! They even have one of their graveyards outside the gate because their belief is no King will come through a graveyard. But Jesus is coming! It shows the Muslims are concerned and believe the possibility is real He will come. I stood and stared at the gate and was very moved to think I was standing at the very place where Jesus will return to Bethlehem.
We went to Bethlehem next. We had to let our Jewish guide out of the bus, and our Arab bus driver drove us through the security gate. That high wall you have been hearing about on TV is there dividing Palestine and Israel. We picked up a Christian guide when we got into Bethlehem. I have been there twice before, once in 1980 and again in 1999.
There is a stark difference in Bethlehem since the Arabs have taken over. There were hardly any tourists. We ate in a cafe on the square. The last time I was there it was packed with tourists, now it was empty except for our group. They have killed all tourist trade. The Christians in Bethlehem asked us to pray for them, because they have no income left at all. The Arab men on the manger square glared at us. We didn't feel safe and clung together. I was very uneasy about the safety of my students. The beggar boys are everywhere, showing they despise America and Israel.
There is so much I could say about this trip. It has changed my life in many ways. I look at how lost the Arabs seem. They reek of "darkness." In contrast, I look at Israel; that tiny country amidst such turmoil. If America does not continue to support Israel, I believe God will judge us harshly. The Israelite soldiers were such fine young men and women. They are clean and disciplined and have great love of their land, something missing in America's youth. I rode back to Lubbock from Dallas on the plane with an American Air Force career soldier. He said the Israelite pilots are the best on the planet. They can fly planes like no else!
Lastly, everywhere we were asked about the U. S. Presidential race. There is great interest. The Jews came up to us and asked us many questions. They said they definitely do not want the Clintons again. They warned us that Obama is a Muslim, not a Christian. In Egypt, the Arabs said basically the same thing. They said Obama is a Muslim and they are amazed the Americans would consider electing a Muslim president. Once a Muslim both countries said over and over, always a Muslim.
I came home loving my country even more than when I left! The United States for all its imperfections is a "light on a hill." Our streets are clean. There is no chanting all day. People are kind and wait their turns, not rudely pushing into line. Apparently they have never heard of the Golden Rule. They will stomp all over you to get where they want to be.
I can see now why Jesus' words of loving your neighbor and doing unto others, what you would have them do onto you, are strange words to them. They are clearly lost souls. The Koreans were the worst, walking all over us, or trying to. We take our Christian heritage for granted in my opinion. We have sanctity for human life. In Egypt, the Arabs don't have any hope. I guess that is why they can bomb innocent people and commit suicide so easily.
EVERYONE in Egypt smokes cigarettes! I could not breathe in Egypt and that is probably why I got the flu again. The smog was so bad at the Pyramids. I would gag on the fumes.
We need to pray for a America, we need to pray this election will not go so bad as to destroy our country and our civilization.
God Bless,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
In the Land that Made Me... Me
Long ago and far away, in a land time has forgot, before the days of Dylan, or the dawn of Camelot.
There lived a race of innocents, known as you and me. Heroes were for praising, they were known to keep us free.
Ike was in the White House in that land where we were born, navels were oranges, and Peyton Place was porn.
We learned to gut a muffler, we washed our hair at dawn, we spread our crinolines to dry in circles on the lawn.
We longed for love and romance, and waited for our Prince, Eddie Fisher married Liz, no one's seen him since.
We danced to 'Little Darlin' sang with Sandra Dee, we cried for Buddy Holly in the Land That Made Me...Me.
Only girls wore earrings then, and 3 was one too many, only boys wore flat-top cuts, except for Jean McKinney.
Only in our wildest dreams did we expect to see a boy named George with lipstick, in the Land That Made Me...Me.
We fell for Frankie Avalon, Annette was oh, so nice.
When they made a movie, they never made it twice.
We didn't have a Star Trek 5, or Psycho 2 and 3, no Rocky-Rambo 20 in the Land That Made Me...Me.
Miss Kitty had a heart of gold, and Chester had a limp, Reagan was a Democrat, his co-star was a chimp.
We had a Mr. Wizard, but not a Mr. T, Oprah couldn't talk yet, in the Land That Made Me...Me.
We had our share of heroes, we never thought they'd go, at least not Bobby Darin or that sexy Marilyn Monroe.
Youth was still eternal, and life was yet to be, Elvis was forever in the Land That Made Me...Me.
We'd never seen the rock band that was Grateful to be Dead, airplanes weren't named Jefferson, and Zeppelins were not Led.
Beatles lived in gardens then, and Monkees lived in trees, Madonna was a virgin in the Land That Made Me...Me.
We'd never heard of microwaves, or telephones in cars, babies might be bottle-fed, but they didn't start in jars.
Pumping iron got the wrinkles out, 'gay' meant fancy-free, co-ed dorms NEVER! in the Land That Made Me...Me.
We hadn't seen enough of jets to talk about the lag,
Microchips were little scraps, left in the bottom of the bag.
Hardware was a box of nails, bytes came from a flea, rocket ships were fiction in the land that Made Me...Me.
Buicks came in two-tone, cars all had those fins, side shows came with freaks, bathing suits were large enough to cover both your cheeks.
Coke came just in bottles, and skirts below the knee,
Castro came to power near the Land That Made Me...Me.
Crest had no flouride, there was no Hill Street Blues, no such thing as pantyhose, no primetime ads for condoms or herpes in the Land that Made Me...Me.
Murder trials were handled swift and fair, perps didn't whine and cry,
their daddy's ignoring their homework was not a reason why.
We went to stores to buy our stuff, no HSN or QVC.
We knew our neighbors, kids stayed in school, nothing special for a fee.
No golden arches, no Perrier to chill, no fish called Wanda, Halloween was our biggest thrill.
Middle age was 35, old was forty-three, ancient were our paunchy parents in the Land that Made me...Me.
All things have a season, or so we've heard them say.
Instead of using Helene Curtis or Maybelline we swear by Retin-A.
They use to flirt and kiss alot - now Cialis and Vicotin. I spose there is no more Lassie now, and no more Rin Tin Tin.
Now we face a brave new world in slightly larger jeans, and wonder why they're using smaller print in magazines.
We tell our children's children of the way it used to be, long ago and far away in the Land That Made Me...Me.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
State of What Union?
We all know the choices by now and, that said, I do believe that the process of selecting a chief executive is deeply flawed. The words 'money' and 'special interests' come to mind, among many others.
Here's the way I see it: Barack Obama, you are a fine public speaker. You are also an extremely liberal Senator from the State of Illinois , which has a long and rich history of political corruption of the first magnitude. You are indeed a child of that system.
You have finally insulted my intelligence far beyond my capacity to tolerate your insults. It has nothing at all to do with your skin color. As a matter of fact, it would be so COOL to finally have an African-American for President. What a great statement that would be to the entire world that we are indeed the greatest country on earth! But, unfortunately, General Colin Powell is not running, and YOU are NOT the man for this job!
Barack baby, you want me to believe that you have never heard the sermons of your own pastor, the Right Reverend 'G-- D--- America' Jeremiah Wright. It is a matter of record that this has been your church for over 20 years. It is a matter of record that you were married there by this very pastor, and that your children were baptized there.
The good Reverend saw fit to visit Khadafy in Libya with you and to give a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan, of all people. We have all now seen excerpts of his sermons all over the airwaves by now. And you have publicly stated that this man IS your 'spiritual mentor'.
BUT, your pastor is NOT the reason I am NOT voting for you. His words were disturbing enough, but it is your own HUGE church congregation, seen jumping, hooting and howling to his words in the background that disturb me the most. And please don't tell me you attended church there and never once heard a 'discouraging word' in the 20 years you attended there. Don't tell me, that in addition to the good Reverend, that you are now not having anything to do with all those other people seen hooting and howling out in the audience in the background of his fiery tirades. Even Oprah Winfrey got disgusted and walked out. I am no Oprah fan, but still she did the right thing.
Now YOU look me in the eye and ask me to believe that you never heard such language in all the years you attended there! This is like me telling you that I attended dozens of Klan rallies and never once heard the 'N' word. Yep. And Bill Clinton 'did not inhale'.
Yes, Mr. Obama, we all have friends who have said stupid things that embarrassed us, but NOW you have asked me to believe something that is so incredibly stupid that you are telling me that I am just stupid enough to believe you. THAT is the main reason that I will never vote for you.
I am deeply sorry, that in a county teeming with enormously talented African Americans who would make a good President, that the political system has chosen YOU. You are a pathetic and plastic excuse for an American, who will not even salute the Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. God forbid you ever get near the Oval Office.
Now, did I mention Bill Clinton? AH YES! This brings us to MRS. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, who this candidate really is, in spite of all the other names she may care to call herself. This 'feminist' piece of work of course would like to be referred to as MS.and we all know who wears the pant suit in that family.
MS. Clinton, it is just as depressing to realize that there are dozens of women who would also make great Presidents. But, fortunately, the horrible state of the selection process has selected YOU. Ms. Clinton, I'm sorry, but you could not tell the truth if we water boarded your worthless A$$! Still you play the role of the 'embarrassed but dignified noble wife'. What utter malarky!
I am not voting for you for a world of reasons, but the main one is the same as my not voting for Senator Obama. You persistently insult my intelligence. It COULD be conceivably possible that you did not know about Monica Lewinsky, extremely remote, but possible if we stretch our imaginations a bit. But you turn around and then ask me to believe that you also did not know about Paula Jones and the legion of other women who were chewed up and spit out by your lecherous excuse for a husband.
Puleese turn off this broken record !!!
But let's set aside your hubby's flagrant pecadillos. The real reason I will never vote for you is that I don't think the country can survive EIGHT MORE YEARS of Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Sandy Berger stuffing his socks with classified intelligence, Janet Reno's goon squad, and the myriad other corruptions that seem to stick to you like your ugly face. So our former President can't keep his d### in his pants. The REAL issue is that he committed perjury under oath when he lied about it and the pathetically-attempted coverup that followed. Like you, he is totally incapable of telling the truth. He could not do it if you tortured him, and in voting for you, we would get the BOTH of you, all over again -- the same folks who could have taken out Osama Bin Laden over 3,000 dead Americans ago!
And please stop telling me that you have EIGHT years of experience' to lead us. You were the freakin' first lady already, not the Commander in Chief. Jeez! The sum of your 'experience' is that of the most worrisome and incompetent meddling in the history of the White House. You even cursed your pitiful staff and the Secret Service agents who were and still are unfortunately charged with risking their lives to protect your worthless, thieving hide, and all at the expense of other people who have to work for a living.
Your single pathetic platform is to finance the illegal drugs, alcoholism and bad habits of the very lowest and most irresponsible freeloaders in America and to then 'garnish the wages' (your own words) of every law-abiding and hard-working American to pay for it. This disaster you refer to as 'Universal Health Care'.
Where have you been the last 30 years? Did you not see that socialism is a failure wherever it has been tried? Did you not notice that the Soviet Union has collapsed since it gave no reward to those who worked the hardest for the fruits of their own labors to pay for those who will not??
It is interesting to see all the dead bodies that you and your hubby have left in your wake: Suicides, mysterious deaths, cover-ups that make Richard Nixon look like a rank amateur. The utter contempt and unbelievable arrogance of some of your strongest supporters, most notably the recently resigned and disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer, the epitome of hypocritical and malevolent arrogance gone wild, one of your most ardent, wealthy and powerful political supporters. A man the news media refuses to admit IS a 'super delegate' in your own political machine, a fine example of your own 'adopted' state of New York. No wonder you moved there to run for Senator! The environment there is perfect for the likes of you! Yes, I would vote for a woman, but I will NOT vote for YOU! Which leaves us with Senator John McCain.
John, you are a flawed man. You are a bit old, a bit looney, and you have a notoriously bad temper.
This perfectly qualifies you, in my humble opinion, to lead us for the next eight years. I WANT your trembling hand on the nuclear button. Think about it. We have Kim Jong IL, Chavez and Ahmadenijad all running around like lunatics, threatening America and threatening to plunge the world into nuclear Armageddon. We have Putin and the Chinese blustering and rattling their sabres at us.
I want John McCain in the Oval Office and I want him to be really pissed off at all these other nut jobs around the planet. John, once you are elected, I want you to go into the Oval Office and throw one of your perfect FITS. Jump up and down and throw something through a plate glass window. Rip the drapes down and foam at the mouth a bit. And I want the whole thing on camera so that Ahmadinejad can see it.
I want ALL of these 'world leaders' to lay awake at night and to break out in a cold sweat every time they think of messing with the United States of America. I want the nuclear button sitting right next to the alarm clock on your night stand. I want pictures of this to be sent to Iran, Russia , China ,Venezuela , Cuba , Libya , Syria , Pakistan ,and those other a%$holes in the sheets, the Saudis.
On the domestic front, poor John did try and reach across the aisle to the opposition in a desperate effort to compromise and to get the Congress to do something. You may not agree with his efforts, but at least he TRIED. For all his efforts, all he got handed to him was his head in a basket. The liberals are pissed at him and the conservatives are pissed at him. Just my kinda guy.
I predict that John will select Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Good choice. I want a JEW whose memory of the Holocaust is still fresh in his mind and who is royally pissed off at all of these towel-headed morons in the Middle East to be the next in line if something should happen to John. Shalom, Vice President Joe -- one heartbeat from the Oval Office.
Finally. John McCain knows on a most personal level what it is to suffer horrible torture for years and to see others die, right in front of you, for their love of America. When you ask him about it, he will tell you that what he did was 'nothing special'. Even more incredibly, he states that ANY American who truly loves his country would do exactly the same as he did in that situation. You and I will have a hard time believing that; but the real point is that John McCain believes that about the 'average American'. And that, dear friends and neighbors, is why I will cast my one poor ballot for on election day for John McCain -- warts and all.
That should sum it all up. Once again I don't know who wrote this but I thank them. If you have not been insulted in one way or another, we have a lot in common. As to fear of an insult - no insult can be as great as though who are trying to destroy everything this country stands for. Be careful what you ask for!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A hint of possible abuse to someone I know from internet friendship has bothered me all day. Obviously it falls under the mind-your-own business Pirate and I will but allow me to share some observations about internet relationships in general.
Twenty years ago it was unimagined that people would be able to connect with hundreds, thousands, even millions of people all over the world through their magical internet connections. The internet has revolutionized how we communicate with the rest of the world. It has taken the role that newspapers, radios and televisions used to play and pushed it a step further. Internet encounters are living proof that we have become a part of a global village as the internet transcends provincial, national and international borders and boundaries.
In my nineteen years of being addicted to this internet thing, I have experienced personally, and watched others who have suffered the consequences of hurtful internet affairs, deception, fraud, manipulation, mental and sexual abuse online. Serious emotional pain and sorrow can be caused by such interactions.
Internet friendships can be healthy when shared by healthy individuals. In such scenarios people who normally would never have found one another can share common interests, hobbies and passions. As time passes these relationships may evolve and become part of a creative network that not only support and inspire but also challenge each other in a constructive way.
Internet relationships enter a slippery slope when one or both parties are emotionally needy and desperate. In the beginning the relationship provides a lot of support and fills the emotional vacuum but over a period of time one party becomes more and more demanding and the other party with all the good intentions cannot keep up with the need.
It is not uncommon for a needy person to project their unfulfilled desires and dreams and become obsessed with an internet relationship. Because the internet relationship feels very good, and very powerful, it can be a driving force that propels all thought, all feeling, and all motive. Some may abandon real-life relationships, some may not have those in real-life at all.
This need can lead to dangerous online (and offline) situations. Worst of all, it often causes irreparable damage to integrity, dignity, and reputation.
Sadly some people often wrongly interpret subtle nuances in voice and body language even when having a real-life physical conversation. In the surreal, artificial environment of the internet, those nuances are further limited by the inability to express them electronically. It's very easy for you - and the person with whom you are communicating - to misinterpret intentions and motive.
Others needs to live in the moment (without consideration of future consequences) can be real a problem, especially during periods of mania and depression.
The internet is filled with people whose poor self-esteem produces a desperate need for attention, friendship, and validation from other human beings. These feelings make some extremely vulnerable to internet stalking, manipulation, and deceit.
When afflicted with grandiosity, some believe they have absolute clarity and can do no wrong. All their decisions - even the horrifically bad ones - "feel right," and they all make perfect sense..
As an amateur student of human psychology, I observe the mystery and anonymity of internet relationships stimulates people’s imaginations. They start these relationships at the point where reality merges with fantasy. If both parties are pursuing the dialogue with good conscience then it enriches the relationship but if one or both parties are emotionally desperate or delinquent and interact with bad conscience then the chances of emotional hurt and pain is more.
Internet friendships can also be affected by the rapidity of the exchange. In many internet dialogues and interactions it is not uncommon for strangers to have multiple heated and emotionally charged exchanges in a short time. It is amazing to see how such exchanges can bring out the best and the worst in people and when the dark side starts to surface then people are vulnerable to be emotionally bruised and friendships are vulnerable to suffer temporarily or permanently. Some socially conscious websites make sure that their members are not abused by other members and have high ethical standards and independent and powerful mediators..
The internet can be a blessing or a curse. It can provide an opportunity for those who shy personalities are free to express comfortably. But the internet like any other medium can be as useful or hurtful as the people who use it. It is a privilege but it also comes with certain responsibilities.
Whether as friends or lovers, those who respect the power of words and feelings of other human beings benefit a lot from it. On the other hand it can be a dangerous tool in the hands of frustrated, angry and bitter people. Internet relationships are a new chapter in human evolution and are gradually developing its own dynamics and identity.
Be careful, be cautious, and enjoy. But remember, the person on the other side of that written word is a stranger. We teach our children STRANGER DANGER. Practice it on the world wide web as well.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Justice For Rebecca McEvoy?
This story and a request for help comes to us thanks to the great folks at Juror Thirteen.
Rebecca McEvoy was raped and sodomized by her Step father, Police Officer Bob Ingel. Rebecca lost her life in a fatal car accident on the way to testify for the 3rd time as to the rape, and sexual assault she suffered at his hands.
The Assistant District Attorney, Steven Giardini, believes the case law should not be applied in Becca McEvoy's case.
The eleven year old testified before the grand jury on two separate occasions. There are medical reports, severe enough to make any parent outraged. A relative, allegedly, has, in their possession, a mattress containing a match of Becca McEvoy and Bob Ingel’s DNA, from the criminal, sexual attacks.
Reports have surfaced that Bob Ingel is now in Mississippi and living with small children. At this time we are unaware if there are special considerations attached to Bob Ingel’s bond of $35,000.00. Also, it’s reported that other children have been victimized, raped, and sodomized by this former officer.
Story at Scared Monkeys
We are also asking for the public's help. By pasting the above story through the last sentence of the court date you have a voice with the media. Click as many links below and include the story, then email those in the media we have listed below.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Cry, Die, Lie, Deny, Cry, Die, WHY?
"One thing I will never forget on the first day of the search. My sister and I both being from North Canton, felt absolutely compelled to help find Jessie, its just a feeling you have that you have to do something. Once we boarded the bus which was taking out team to our search location, we were briefed on what to do and what not to do by the fire dept personnel. Then a man came on board and told us to be careful, stay hydrated and thanked us for coming. He was very calm and no one thought anything of it, he was just another man giving us our instructions and we were anxious to get moving and help. Just as he was leaving the bus, he turned back around and stepped back into the bus and paused for a moment. and then he said something to the effect of “Please help us find my daughter Jessie. We need to find her and the baby now. Be careful and please bring Jessie home” and he thanks us again, tearing up and left the bus immediately. The bus was speechless except for some people who began crying. Us included. It was the most heartfelt phrase of words I had ever heard. and it motivated us. People we didn’t know, who automatically bonded in a heartbeat. I wish we would have found her for him and Jessie’s family. Jessie’s father also greeted the bus both times after our searches and thanked us for searching and told us not to worry, we would find Jessie. It is what I remember the next day when I was deciding whether or not to go search. It wasn’t an option. All I could remember was her father talking to us and you had to go back and help. It wasn’t will I go, it was how fast can I get there."
Jessie Davis must have cried for herself and Chloe. She must have struggled for the five or six minutes it took his huge powerful hands to stop the air going to her lungs. Did Chloe struggle helplessly trying to get born to breathe as well?
Even after Jessie was gone, how did Bobby Cutts not think of his unborn child who still had a chance for life? How did he allow Blake to watch "Mommy is crying. She is in the rug."?
So the policeman who was struggling to support wives and mistresses, legitimate and illegitimate children, spewing his seed without conscious, seeking abortions to alleviate the inconvernience of his pleasures. This "good father" sayeth Kelly Cutts, who left Blake after the trauma of seeing mommy in the rug, in dirty diapers alone to wallow in the fear and mess left behind. The bleach bottle and who knows what else.
Jessie and Chloe cried and then they died. And then Bobby lied and denied.
How many like Ginger were compelled to give up their lives and fight to find this pregnant mother. How many will deal with the nightmare of Cutts' actions forever? Canton, Ohio is a small community. A community now torn apart by the immorality of one man. They were forced to fear and search and then deal with the discovery. Their lives have been forever changed by the trial and the need to decide whether they have to impose the death penalty or support and protect this degenerate for the rest of his sorry days.
And now he cries again. Tearless cries - please spare my life! Did you think about sparing Jessie or Chloe or Blake or the rest of those who loved them? Did you think about the police and search parties and jurors who whose lives will be forever scarred?
Bobby Cutts thought he would maybe someday be mayor of Canton. Indeed he did wind up being someone whose actions would impact them all. He leaves behind a community scarred forever.
Live or Die - the decision will hurt and harm many - the question is WHY? Bobby WHY?
Friday, February 22, 2008
On Dec. 3 1998 another woman's life was taken by the man who was supposed to be closest to her. Domestic violence once again, carefully planned and executed to look the desperate act of an unstable woman. A woman so unstable that not only would she take her own life, but would leave false clues in order to frame her husband for murder. And some people believed it.
This murder took 10 years to solve, but the state was finally able to close its case on Feb. 21, 2008. That, of course, is for now. Rumor has it an appeal will be filed. But no matter what happens in the future, Mark Jensen is behind bars now, a convicted murderer. And this jury, out of Walworth County, got it right.
A long list of evidence showed Jensen for what he really is. A man who wallows in bizarre sexual fixations, lies, deceit, tapes, porn, infidelity, jealousy, mental abuse and selfishness. A sick bastard filled with abnormal rage and a plan to use a few doses of Antifreeze to kill his wife and make the world believe that it was the suicide of a depressed, unbalanced woman. Not suicide, Mr. Jensen: MURDER.
The saddest part of this tragedy is that the victim refused to let herself trust her own instincts. She refused to fully believe that her husband of 14 years could or would possibly do in reality what she was secretly terrified he would do. Julie Jensen had two beloved young children to raise and was so much in love with this man that she let her heart get the best of her.
A tragic mix of love, fear, lack of self-worth and self-belief made Julie Jensen deny for too long that her husband Mark was capable of doing any real harm to her. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that during Julie Jensen's last few weeks of life she did finally start to believe what her husband, the father of her two children, was capable of.
Julie opened up her eyes and closed that confusing door to her heart just long enough to write a very private, telling letter. Signed, sealed and delivered to her neighbors with a promise it would be handed over to the authorities "only" in the event something terrible would ever happen to her. Like death under suspicious circumstances.
Mark Jensen thought he committed the perfect murder. But even though there are crimes that go unsolved, there is no such thing as the perfect crime. There is always a mistake or an oversight that isn't noticed by the killer. Mark Jensen may have disguised Julie's murder as suicide, but not forever. His mistakes and oversights, his own words and his Internet trail – used at first to try to frame Julie for her own death – ultimately brought him down.
Mark Jensen thought he got his due when he was shed of Julie and free – free to raise his sons, free to live his life, free to marry Kelly. But the end for Mark is not freedom; it is now – finally - a murder conviction and incarceration. The end for Mark is justice for Julie.
There was a detective who never dismissed this case as a suicide, but rather held onto his sixth sense and strong conviction it was indeed a homicide. There was a D.A.'s office that persevered. And there was a jury that listened to the evidence, debated with each other and came to a righteous decision. After 3 days of deliberation Mark Jensen was finally found G-U-I-L-T-Y of first-degree intentional Homicide in the death of his former wife Julie Jensen.
Interesting that when two people take their vows the preacher has the bride and groom repeat, "Till death do us part." Mark Jensen found a whole new meaning to those 5 sacred words.
Finally, Julie Jensen, you can rest in peace.
So Ladies and Gentlemen you better think twice.
Took nearly took 10 years, but he's paying the price.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ALERT: A True Voice of Reason
Amazing enough that Arab financed Dubai television would allow this powerful and amazing statement to air on Al Jazeera. Please watch this. It is extremely powerful and no doubt Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles, is as brave as they make them. This impressive woman will have, if she does not already, a huge price on her head. It will probably not be on the air long. Tell everyone you know to watch it soon, doubtful the link will be active long. Should be seen around the world by everyone, regardless of their politics, religion or beliefs.
It's time to listen, really listen. Wafa Sultan has the voice and the courage to speak. We all need to heed her words spoken with the ferocity and heart of a lioness protecting her cubs.
Sadly, in this case her cubs happen to be a large portion of the human race threatened by another portion of so-called humanity. As she so correctly points out, this is not a battle of civilizations, it is a battle between civilization and barbarism. East against West, Muslim fanaticism against just about everyone else . . . the stakes can't possibly get any higher than they are.
LISTEN UP ~ ~ Hear this secular Arabian woman, a potent awe-inspiring voice for rational thought and behavior - going against every ideal we have come to expect from Islamic extremists, and appearing on Al Jazeera television of all places.
Watching and listening to her you will be astonished by what she says, and perhaps even more, by where she is saying it. There is no, none, zilch, zip, zero wiggle room for a counter attack - at least not from anyone who is rational. Of course, rationality does not always have meaning on Al Jazeera, where she is spitting into a hurricane-force wind.
Sultan herself is a force to be reckoned with, one with nearly as much power as that storm wind that wants to destroy us. She speaks passionately about the ability of civilized societies to rise above the need to dominate at any cost. And just as passionately about the need to rise above the insane hatred that drives attacks on other societies, the ones that wipe out a few thousand innocent people at a time. The subtext to her words is clear: We are the target and the bullseye is painted permanently on our chest. Are we listening?
Sure, you might think, she is saying this from the safety of her home in Los Angeles. Don't kid yourself for a minute, Wafa Sultan is a marked woman. And don't forget that as a product of that culture, she knows better than anyone she has made herself a living target. Listen to her - because someone may have to take up her banner in the near future. Does this sound paranoid? It's not. There is a price offered for the Danish cartoonist who dared to characterize Mohammed and still one remains on the head of Salmon Rushdie, even though all this time has elaspsed since the publishing of his Satanic Verses.
Sultan is bravely willing to risk her own life in order to tell us just how bad it really is, just how determined our enemies. We had better listen - we owe it to her - we owe it to ourselves.
Breathtaking and humbling, this speech is a reminder that there are still brave, rational minds at work in a world that sometimes seems to have gone mad. Imagine an Arab woman publicly taking the side of Western civilization, of the Jews, of secularism. Where does this courage come from? It may come from having very clear vision and knowing without a doubt that if the barbarians are not stopped, this world as we know it, has little time remaining.
We need to listen ~ we need to be prepared.
As memories dim with the erosion of time since September 11, our so-called leaders have allowed the attack on our homeland into political coinage. They have not done one damned concrete thing to make us more secure. Here is one lone voice, this infinitely courageous woman, who reminds us not to slip further. Not to be complacent or mindless of the real purpose of extremism: to oppress and enslave and kill anyone who does not cave into their 12th century mentality. Worse still is that their 12th century mentality is armed with 21st century technology.
The barbarians keep our pride and gratitude for being secular American women in western society, free citizens of a free society in high gear. In these times that awareness is not just a g ift, it is a necessity.
Wafa Sultan is laying her life on the line to remind us we better be ready to do the same. We had better be listening and we had better listen hard.
Monday, February 18, 2008
What Have We Done to the Children?
No longer content to cook and clean and carpool, family life changed drastically. I wondered some forty or so years ago whether it would wind up being a change for the best. Yes women would expand their participation in business, politics, economics, government, and the arts. They were and are entitled to personal challenge, success, and fulfillment in every way, but at what price?
Marriage is no longer a dependable contract between two people. Husbands and wives ebb and flow, in and out of marriage at will. Children lost more than having someone waiting at home to listen, hot lunches, and conversation at the dinner table with dad, mom and siblings.
Communication, dedication, reliability and commitment have had major down turns. Moral values are in steep decline.
Our children are killing one another in SCHOOL! Remember when school was the place where you studied and made friends and played sports? Remember when school was second only to the womb as far as a safe-haven. Oh well, we know what has happened to the safety of the womb.
Of course it is a woman's right to excel as an individual. But how much of a factor has this change in society contributed to the increase in physical and psychological abuse, sexual abuse, lack of respect for the lives of women, unborn children and children?
Where is all this violence coming from and where is it going? There are many possible causes, but what can we ~ what will we ~ what should we ~ be willing to do to change the direction. One wonders, if we are reaping what has been sewn, how much higher the price are we willing to pay?
Feb. 14, 2008
DeKalb, IL. Gunman kills seven students and then himself, and wounds 15 more when he opens fire on a classroom at Northern Illinois University. The gunman, Stephen P. Kazmierczak, was identified as a former graduate student at the university in 2007.
Feb. 8, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA. A nursing student shot and killed two women and then herself in a classroom at Louisiana Technical College in Baton Rouge.
Oct. 10, 2007
Cleveland, OH. A 14-year-old student at a Cleveland high school, Asa H. Coon, shot and injured two students and two teachers before he shot and killed himself. The victims' injuries were not life-threatening.
Sept. 21, 2007
Dover, DE. A Delaware State University Freshman, Loyer D. Brandon, shot and wounded two other Freshman students on the University campus. Brandon is being charged with attempted murder, assault, reckless engagement, as well as a gun charge.
April 16, 2007
Blacksburg, VA. A 23-year-old Virginia Tech student, Cho Seung-Hui, killed two in a dorm, then killed 30. more 2 hours later in a classroom building. His suicide brought the death toll to 33, making the shooting rampage the most deadly in U.S. history. Fifteen others were wounded.
Jan. 3, 2007
Tacoma, WA. Douglas Chanthabouly, 18, shot fellow student Samnang Kok, 17, in the hallway of Henry Foss High School.
Sept. 29, 2006
Cazenovia, WI. A 15-year-old student shot and killed Weston School principal John Klang.
Oct. 3, 2006
Nickel Mines, PA. 32-year-old Carl Charles Roberts IV entered the one-room West Nickel Mines Amish School and shot 10 schoolgirls, ranging in age from 6 to 13 years old, and then himself. Five of the girls and Roberts died.
Sept. 26, 2006
Bailey, CO. Adult male held six students hostage at Platte Canyon High School and then shot and killed Emily Keyes, 16, and himself.
Sept. 13, 2006
Montreal, Canada. Kimveer Gill, 25, opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon at Dawson College. Anastasia De Sousa, 18, died and more than a dozen students and faculty were wounded before Gill killed himself.
Aug. 24, 2006
Essex, VT. Christopher Williams, 27, looking for his ex-girlfriend at Essex Elementary School, shot two teachers, killing one and wounding another. Before going to the school, he had killed the ex-girlfriend's mother.
Nov. 8, 2005
Jacksboro, TN. One 15-year-old shot and killed an assistant principal at Campbell County High School and seriously wounded two other administrators.
March 21, 2005
Red Lake, MN. Jeff Weise, 16, killed grandfather and companion, then arrived at school where he killed a teacher, a security guard, 5 students, and finally himself, leaving a total of 10 dead.
Sept. 24, 2003
Cold Spring, MN. Two students are killed at Rocori High School by John Jason McLaughlin, 15.
April 24, 2003
Red Lion, PA. James Sheets, 14, killed principal Eugene Segro of Red Lion Area Junior High School before killing himself.
October 28, 2002
Tucson, AZ. Robert S. Flores Jr., 41, a student at the nursing school at the University of Arizona, shot and killed three female professors and then himself.
April 14, 2003
New Orleans, LA. One 15-year-old killed, and three students wounded at John McDonogh High School by gunfire from four teenagers (none were students at the school). The motive was gang-related.
Jan. 15, 2002
New York, NY. A teenager wounded two students at Martin Luther King Jr. High School.
Nov. 12, 2001
Caro, MI. Chris Buschbacher, 17, took two hostages at the Caro Learning Center before killing himself.
March 30, 2001
Gary, IN. One student killed by Donald R. Burt, Jr., a 17-year-old student who had been expelled from Lew Wallace High School.
March 22, 2001
Granite Hills, CA. One teacher and three students wounded by Jason Hoffman, 18, at Granite Hills High School. A policeman shot and wounded Hoffman.
March 7, 2001
Williamsport, PA. Elizabeth Catherine Bush, 14, wounded student Kimberly Marchese in the cafeteria of Bishop Neumann High School; she was depressed and frequently teased.
March 5, 2001
Santee, CA. Two killed and 13 wounded by Charles Andrew Williams, 15, firing from a bathroom at Santana High School.
Jan. 17, 2001
Baltimore, MD. One student shot and killed in front of Lake Clifton Eastern High School.
Sept. 26, 2000
New Orleans, LA. Two students wounded with the same gun during a fight at Woodson Middle School.
May 26, 2000
Lake Worth, FL. One teacher, Barry Grunow, shot and killed at Lake Worth Middle School by Nate Brazill, 13, with .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol on the last day of classes.
March 10, 2000
Savannah, GA. Two students killed by Darrell Ingram, 19, while leaving a dance sponsored by Beach High School.
Feb. 29, 2000
Mount Morris Township, MI. Six-year-old Kayla Rolland shot dead at Buell Elementary School near Flint, Mich. The assailant was identified as a six-year-old boy with a .32-caliber handgun.
Dec. 6, 1999
Fort Gibson, OK. Four students wounded as Seth Trickey, 13, opened fire with a 9mm semiautomatic handgun at Fort Gibson Middle School.
Nov. 19, 1999
Deming, NM. Victor Cordova Jr., 12, shot and killed Araceli Tena, 13, in the lobby of Deming Middle School.
May 20, 1999
Conyers, GA. Six students injured at Heritage High School by Thomas Solomon, 15, who was reportedly depressed after breaking up with his girlfriend.
April 28, 1999
Taber, Alberta, CA. One student killed, one wounded at W. R. Myers High School in first fatal high school shooting in Canada in 20 years. The suspect, a 14-year-old boy, had dropped out of school after he was severely ostracized by his classmates.
April 20, 1999
Littleton, CO. 14 students (including killers) and one teacher killed, 23 others wounded at Columbine High School in the nation's deadliest school shooting. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, had plotted for a year to kill at least 500 and blow up their school. At the end of their hour-long rampage, they turned their guns on themselves.
June 15, 1998
Richmond, VA. One teacher and one guidance counselor wounded by a 14-year-old boy in the school hallway.
May 21, 1998
Springfield, OR. Two students killed, 22 others wounded in the cafeteria at Thurston High School by 15-year-old Kip Kinkel. Kinkel had been arrested and released a day earlier for bringing a gun to school. His parents were later found dead at home.
May 19, 1998
Fayetteville, TN. One student killed in the parking lot at Lincoln County High School three days before he was to graduate. The victim was dating the ex-girlfriend of his killer, 18-year-old honor student Jacob Davis.
April 24, 1998
Edinboro, PA. One teacher, John Gillette, killed, two students wounded at a dance at James W. Parker Middle School. Andrew Wurst, 14, was charged.
March 24, 1998
Jonesboro, AR. Four students and one teacher killed, ten others wounded outside as Westside Middle School emptied during a false fire alarm. Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, shot at their classmates and teachers from the woods.
Dec. 15, 1997
Stamps, AR. Two students wounded. Colt Todd, 14, was hiding in the woods when he shot the students as they stood in the parking lot.
Dec. 1, 1997
West Paducah, KY. Three students killed, five wounded by Michael Carneal, 14, as they participated in a prayer circle at Heath High School.
Oct. 1, 1997
Pearl, MS. Two students killed and seven wounded by Luke Woodham, 16, who was also accused of killing his mother. He and his friends were said to be outcasts who worshiped Satan.
Feb. 19, 1997
Bethel, AK. Principal and one student killed, two others wounded by Evan Ramsey, 16.
Feb. 2, 1996
Moses Lake, WA. Two students and one teacher killed, one other wounded when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Excuse me Officer Cutts, which way to Death Row please?
Cutts, Cutts
he has no guts
Thought he'd try crying
they knew he was lying
Remorse for Jessee? Regrets for Blake?
So obvious in Court, he was merely a fake
No verdict yet, the jurors in and out
Strange it seemed, was there any doubt?
Cutts was nervous, seemed to know by then,
He was gonna be going straight to the Pen.
Police Officer Cutts is really very tough
Death Row for this guy is simply not enough
Roll the bastard in a rug
Let cellmate Bubba give him a hug
One down, many more to go
Our system works - it's starting to show
Jurors please make it right
Listen to the facts and help us fight
There's lots more undecided crimes,
Too many attorneys helping these slimes.
Peterson, Mack, Cutts ~ a pretty good start ~
Finding these bastards GUILTY will warm the cockles of our hearts!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Disneyfied, Hallmarkized and Un-dividualized
Of course it’s lovely to get a card from your grandson, but does it mean as much when it’s dictated by the newly minted Grandmother’s Day as it would if it was just a spontaneous gift? It could be argued – and I do – that this kind of enforced celebration undermines real, emotionally driven gestures of affection. Another step in the devaluation of honest feelings replaced with the sound of a credit card being processed.
It isn’t clear just how long it has been creeping up on us, this plague of greed and advertising and demand, but every month there seems to be another reason to send a card, buy a gift, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! Which literally translates into “spend, spend, spend!”
And if you dare to walk by that Hallmark display or the oh-so-cute stuffed or porcelain Disney figures wearing adorable holiday slogans around their necks, then you start to suspect you are a grouch. A Grinch. The worst kind of selfish, uncaring scrooge who ever had the nerve to not reach for a gift to buy.
It may be paranoia, but I don’t think so. Disney and Hallmark have finally overtaken reality and created our 21st century standards of expectation. What we think, how we express our feelings, when we are supposed to jump up and consume. Pavlov’s dogs, remember them?
You’d just better get that heart-shaped box of candies or that eternity diamond pendant she has been expecting, and the gifts had better be there promptly on February 14th. Or else. Kids are even easier targets for this kind of marketing and branding. That exact hot pink Bratz slut doll that your granddaughter wants had better be there under the tree. Or else.
Or else what? Hearts will be broken, expectations dashed? The Pavlov human who is expecting that particular gift on that particular day will certainly face shame and humiliation when other people, the ones who did get what they were supposed to get, will not just feel sorry for them? They may just shun them altogether. Oh, come on.
What happened to our brains and our hearts? What happened to the proud individualism that was the defining quality of this country of ours? When did we become so easily led to the store and willing to purchase what we are being told is “just the right” gift?
And it’s not just holidays. We’d just as soon go to Las Vegas to experience Manhattan or Paris or Venice as trek all the way to the real thing. After all, in Vegas, the streets are clean, the people are polite and correctly costumed, and they speak English! The buildings are sparkling, the bathrooms are tidy, the art looks great (and so well lit!) and it’s all so, so almost real. Why bother to take that long uncomfortable trip and deal with the anxiety of being in a foreign city or country when we can get a reasonable - no, a better facsimile right here?
Who coined the phrase “a nation of sheep?” Whoever it was, hats off to his or her cynical, forward-thinking and sadly realistic view of our society. Baa, baa, baa, just lead us to the musical greeting card and the right gift-wrapping and the Thomas Kinkade villages where cobblestone streets try to give the illusion that our world is innocent and secure, kind and clean.
Yup, that’ll do it. If we buy and buy and buy into this rapacious machine that tells us what to think while relieving us of our coin, maybe we’ll all be just fine. With enough armor of brand names and stuff, enough non-stop celebration, enough bright techno-recreations of what used to be the real world, we’ll all be just fine. And so insidiously regulated. Yeah, right.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Persona Non Gratis? What Took so Friggin Long?
Speak No Evil
Hear No Evil
See No Evil
Enough is NOT Enough.
We parents tend to reward our children for all accomplishments from the day they are born. Clapping hands and a big hug for those first tiny steps, a special treat for that gold star on a report card. As the accomplishments get bigger and better so do the treats.
Natalee Holloway. Birmingham, Alabama honor student, smart, well-educated, well-rounded, kind, friendly, trusting. Free from fear of others. What was there to fear? Everyone liked and loved this charming, friendly girl.
So time to reward the latest accomplishments. National Honor Society, membership in American Field Services, cheerleader, graduating with honors and off to further her education. On her way to becoming a physician, no question of accomplishment.
School trip for graduating seniors to the beautiful island of Aruba. Excitement, planning, shopping, text messages and e-mails back and forth with friends. The brochure promised:
Adventures You've Never Experienced Before Await You in Aruba!
Bonbini! means welcome, and here, you truly are.
You're welcome to dream. Of endless sun and scenery. Of breathtaking blues and crystal clear ocean and whit, sandy beaches. You're welcome to plan the ideal family vacation or wedding or honeymoon or meeting or simple escape to a colorful world away from home. You're welcome to explore. To make everything that's ours yours. To find the perfect something, or nothing, to do. Welcome to Aruba. This is our home. And we want to share our piece of paradise with you.
One can only imagine the intimate moments and conversations shared between Beth and Natalee during this special time. "When you come back, there's even more to come. A new chapter beginning. College, dorms, sororities, new friends, and study study study." Beth may have said. "All working toward another fabulous graduation day. Wonder what we will plan the next time?"
So while Aruba shared it's paradise with this sweet lovely young woman, whatthefuck was really going on there?
- Joran met Natalee at a blackjack table in the casino.
- They went next to a popular island night-spot Carlos and Charlies where the y were joined by two (friendly-looking) young men, Satish and Deepak Kalpoe. JVdS drank a jello-shot out of Natalee's belly button.
- Approximately between 1:30 and 2:00 am she leaves the club with Joran, Satish, and Deepak.
- Friends see her being physically assisted and ask her to get out of the car. She refuses and is never seen again.
- Joran Van der Sloot is the son of a prominent Aruba attorney who was in training to take the bench as a judge.
- Natalee disappeared on May 30, 2005. A notice was not even posted until June 4.
- JVdS had a well-known reputation for late nights, exploits with young tourist females, use of drugs and alcohol.
- The story of what happened following "Joran's" self admitted sexual encounter on the beach with Natalee has changed on numerous occasions.
- The original story was the the dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. Joran claimed to have left his shoes at the beach a few feet from the liason. Strange, what really happened to the shoes?
- The Joran changed the story to say Deepak picked him up at the beach, where he left Natalee, because she was unwilling to go. Deepak declares this did not happen.
- After an entire week to be counselled by the elder van Der Sloot, the boys were arrested a week later.
- After his release Joran called the arresting officers 'Putas' and criticised the Kalpoe's for 'not getting chicks'.
- The boys have been arrested and released on a number of occasions.
- Natalee's family, especially her pittbull mom has done everything from day one to uncover the truth and keep the case from being forgotten.
- Whether the Aruban's have been stupid or covering up is not known but the investigation was murky from the start. In the first few days Natalee's father was asked if she suffered from seizures. Since nothing was ever said about her convulsing until Joran was caught on tape three years later . . . what did that question mean?
- Three years later JVdS was caught on hidden tape admitting his involvement in Natalee's death and throwing her body into the ocean, never to be found. He continues to remain smug, rotten, nasty, contemptuous, and FREE.