Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Cautionary Tale

Once a upon a time, a trial watching veteran but inexperienced message boarder stumbled onto the CTV boards. It was in the age of the trial of that wee (accused) murderer called – in more polite moments - Phil Spector. No need to elaborate just how factionalized and nasty those discussions became, so much so that the threads were often shut down.

One beacon of hope shone in all of this, a blogger who was in court nearly everyday, a blogger who made it clear that the insane rulings of the CTV moderator were intolerable. A blogger who offered a place of refuge (invite only) for certain posters of the G persuasion. For our purposes, we will call her the Queen Blogger.

For awhile – a very short while – the new private board was a kingdom of happiness. And it was a blast. Posters could let down their hair, swap stories of how they got banned from CTV and make any kind of comments they wanted about the fringe-brains, trolls and goings on “over there.” It was good. And it was fun. Alas, as most good and fun things go, so this went.

Within weeks things began to change. Suddenly the posters were strongly encouraged to participate in threads of games, even if they weren’t interested. They were told to go out, find new crimes stories and start threads on them. Contests were invented. Queen Blogger flogged her wares as product and as prizes for the contests, and trumpeted her quack-quack remedies. Posters began to wonder, but mostly kept their suspicions to themselves.

Then it got personal. One highly venerated poster was dissed so nastily and inappropriately by Queen Blogger and her bloggerettes that others on the board were no longer just suspicious. And many posters got angry. And many posters got restless.

In order to soothe themselves, several posters came up with a plan, a scheme if you will, to express themselves on another board. And WHAM! The iron fist of the Queen Blogger came down faster than you can say “get off that bat-cat tree!”

Posters were told it was no longer allowed to plan and scheme – not even to joke – about that “other board.” Queen Blogger denied this was an edict, but we knew better. And having been raised in a democracy, the discontented posters soon began to privately share their anger and disappointment.

And then it was discovered that those private expressions were not private at all. Queen Blogger and the brainwashed bloggerettes had access to all “private” emails through that board. And it was further discovered that some very nasty personal opinions about we posters had been going on behind the scenes. Unfortunately for Queen Blogger, she and her minions had unwittingly left the thread that these nasty remarks were on open long enough for some of the disgruntled posters to read what was there.

The rest is history. With the extent of Queen Blogger’s duplicity and hypocrisy revealed, a full scale exodus – accompanied by some mighty pointed comments – ensued. Queen Blogger is left to try to pick up the pieces of her cracked, trash-filled, dark-hearted, dishonest board. She and her sycophants can talk kinky sex, flannel blankies and the wonderfulness of Queen Blogger ad nauseum. Perhaps they can trawl through the tattered remnants of CTV to find new cannon fodder.

We won’t get fooled again. We must, however, give thanks to Queen Blogger for one thing. If she hadn't serendipitously picked a savvy, insightful poster to invite the smartest, funniest, kindest posters to her place of darkness, we wouldn’t know each other. So thanks, Queenie, you and your Court Jesters can all kiss our collective asses.


Anonymous said...

What a dolt she is.

Have you noticed? She is too above it all to check her spelling. And yet she AGONIZES over every update.

BTW Beware: She snatches your IP addy and publishes it to her Loudmouth Lime drinking followers, who BTW, never even light candles at the site for Lana Clarkson anymore. Why? Because there is nothing "in it" for the Blogger.

Anonymous said...

As good as the freedom of the web can be - this holy trinity proved that before you read you need to lock up your children and your wallets and make sure your taser is charged before trusting anyone.

Duplicity, fraud, deceit...

Anonymous said...

If she has any personal information about someone who has gone against her, she will share it with anyone left on her privately owned,operated,and paid for board.She did this about one CTV poster when I was there.She has absolutely NO sense of shame!Yet she can't understand how anyone could not like her.She and her minions will try to get someone banned from other boards just because they can't control the thinking of the other.

Anonymous said...

When the Blogger we are speaking of was BANNED from the CTV message boards, she created an EDICT that other members of "her" message board could no longer post at CTV.

After several weeks of being "open for business" the "Famous" Blogger forbid certain subject matter and then, within another week or two, it became clear that the only agenda the "Famous" Blogger had was to discuss herself.

All the while, the "Famous" holier than thou Blogger, was "holding court" in her Moderator Lounge.....slamming all her followers, until one day, she left that lounge "door" open for all to see and proved that she was not only a dumbass, but incredibly mean spirited.

Anonymous said...

She won't be lighting candles for Lana until she can post a link to her crappy home sewing website.

Queen Blogger, this ain't over.

Anonymous said...

Although her blog states that she attended most of the Spector trial she has no more interest in it because it is not self-serving for her. Is it true she has moved on to posting on vulgar x-rated sites. Who will get ripped off to buy the crap she sells next I wonder>

Anonymous said...

When PS2 rolls around, she's gonna be shocked that she won't be as well received in the courthouse this time around.

And now that her "spellchecker" and "ghostwriter" have bailed on her's she going write that blog?

Oh yeah, its a piece of crap anyway...

Anonymous said...

As one of the people you were fraudulent and duplicitous toward, all I can really say that hasn't already been said is that pesky Instant Karma going to hurt.

Bite Down!

Game over Bat.
You really messed with the wrong people. We are REAL living, breathing people, and you thought nothing of our feelings and put a hurting on a great group of real women. You loss is our gain. We don't need or want you or your bus driver or the Missionary super freak.

See Ya!!

Shame on you!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, I found out the hard way how mean the "Queen of mean" is.
And I mean MEAN.
As mean as it can get.

I also know that some of her jesters, have rethought their thoughts of their queen, and agree she's a very mean queen.

Shame on this mean queen,
She knows of no boundaries, and will sink as low as low can go.

She thinks nothing of giving out personal info, such as real names, addresses, phone #, tell terrible lies on her "blog" about you.
You can't defend yourself, because she will only show "positive" comments.
The negative ones are hidden.

Thanks for starting this blog, I feel a little better now.

Cannondale said...

A lot of us learned the hard way that we were wrong to trust this person. She was smart enough to hide her true self behind more likable and infinitely more interesting people. Biding her time, she lulled them into believing she was well meaning.

When a frustrating situation presented itself, she used it to lure people onto her board. Certain that they would grovel before her in eternal gratitude.

When that didn't happen, she tried distracting, threatening, and finally, demanding undivided attention. She attacked anyone who spoke their own mind and banned them from her royal presence.

Unfortunately for her, her despotic antics and vindictiveness towards the more likable and intelligent posters, were all it took to cause a mass exodus from her presence. Only a deluded few remained behind.

Once free of her, it turned out that everyone had private doubts about her. No one was on her board because of her, we were all there because of the other posters.

A lesson to everyone, keep the lines of communication open. If we'd done that, we would have all left her in the dust sooner.

Cannondale said...

A lot of us learned the hard way that we were wrong to trust this person. She was smart enough to hide her true self behind more likable and infinitely more interesting people. Biding her time, she lulled them into believing she was well meaning.

When a frustrating situation presented itself, she used it to lure people onto her board. Certain that they would grovel before her in eternal gratitude.

When that didn't happen, she tried distracting, threatening, and finally, demanding undivided attention. She attacked anyone who spoke their own mind and banned them from her royal presence.

Unfortunately for her, her despotic antics and vindictiveness towards the more likable and intelligent posters, were all it took to cause a mass exodus from her presence. Only a deluded few remained behind.

Once free of her, it turned out that everyone had private doubts about her. No one was on her board because of her, we were all there because of the other posters.

A lesson to everyone, keep the lines of communication open. If we'd done that, we would have all left her in the dust sooner.