Friday, January 18, 2008

Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

"Blogger" posts a photo with mate on every message board entry possible. This is the person we relate to. The Avatar never changes - is always the same..

Recently a photo appeared, taken during PS trial watch. The real Blogger and another well-known poster. The photo is so incredibly opposite that represented - one more time the falsehoods and deceit are flagged.

Why? would any normal person go so far out of their way to imply they are someone else?

Could the answer be found in the works of Sam Vakin, Ph.D., in his
Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited?

The narcissist resorts to self-delusion. Unable to completely ignore contrarian opinion and data – he transmutes them. Unable to face the dismal failure that he is, the narcissist partially withdraws from reality. To soothe and salve the pain of disillusionment, he administers to his aching soul a mixture of lies, distortions, half-truths and outlandish interpretations of events around him. These solutions can be classified thus:

The Delusional Narrative Solution

The narcissist constructs a narrative in which he figures as the hero – brilliant, perfect, irresistibly handsome, destined for great things, entitled, powerful, wealthy, the centre of attention, etc. The bigger the strain on this delusional charade – the greater the gap between fantasy and reality – the more the delusion coalesces and solidifies.

Finally, if it is sufficiently protracted, it replaces reality and the narcissist's reality test deteriorates. He withdraws his bridges and may become schizotypal, catatonic, or schizoid.

The Antisocial Solution

The narcissist renounces reality. To his mind, those who pusillanimously fail to recognise his unbound talents, innate superiority, overarching brilliance, benevolent nature, entitlement, cosmically important mission, perfection, etc. – do not deserve consideration. The narcissist's natural affinity with the criminal – his lack of empathy and compassion, his deficient social skills, his disregard for social laws and morals – now erupt and blossom. He becomes a full fledged antisocial (sociopath or psychopath). He ignores the wishes and needs of others, he breaks the law, he violates all rights – natural and legal, he holds people in contempt and disdain, he derides society and its codes, he punishes the ignorant ingrates – that, to his mind, drove him to this state – by acting criminally and by jeopardising their safety, lives, or property.

The Paranoid Schizoid Solution

The narcissist develops persecutory delusions. He perceives slights and insults where none were intended. He becomes subject to ideas of reference (people are gossiping about him, mocking him, prying into his affairs, cracking his e-mail, etc.). He is convinced that he is the centre of malign and mal-intentioned attention. People are conspiring to humiliate him, punish him, abscond with his property, delude him, impoverish him, confine him physically or intellectually, censor him, impose on his time, force him to action (or to inaction), frighten him, coerce him, surround and besiege him, change his mind, part with his values, victimise or even murder him, and so on.

Some narcissists withdraw completely from a world populated with such minacious and ominous objects (really projections of internal objects and processes). They avoid all social contact, except the most necessary. They refrain from meeting people, falling in love, having sex, talking to others, or even corresponding with them. In short: they become schizoids – not out of social shyness, but out of what they feel to be their choice. "This evil, hopeless world does not deserve me" – goes the inner refrain – "and I shall waste none of my time and resources on it."

The Paranoid Aggressive (Explosive) Solution

Other narcissists who develop persecutory delusions, resort to an aggressive stance, a more violent resolution of their internal conflict. They become verbally, psychologically, situationally (and, very rarely, physically) abusive. They insult, castigate, chastise, berate, demean, and deride their nearest and dearest (often well wishers and loved ones). They explode in unprovoked displays of indignation, righteousness, condemnation, and blame. Theirs is an exegetic Bedlam. They interpret everything – even the most innocuous, inadvertent, and innocent comment – as designed to provoke and humiliate them. They sow fear, revulsion, hate, and malignant envy. They flail against the windmills of reality – a pathetic, forlorn, sight. But often they cause real and lasting damage – fortunately, mainly to themselves.

The Masochistic Avoidant Solution

The narcissist is angered by the lack of Narcissistic Supply. He directs some of this fury inwards, punishing himself for his "failure". This masochistic behaviour has the added "benefit" of forcing the narcissist's closest to assume the roles of dismayed spectators or of persecutors and thus, either way, to pay him the attention that he craves.

Self-administered punishment often manifests as self-handicapping masochism – a narcissistic cop-out. By undermining his work, his relationships, and his efforts, the increasingly fragile narcissist avoids additional criticism and censure (negative supply). Self-inflicted failure is the narcissist's doing and thus proves that he is the master of his own fate.

Masochistic narcissists keep finding themselves in self-defeating circumstances which render success impossible – and "an objective assessment of their performance improbable" [Millon, 2000]. They act carelessly, withdraw in mid-effort, are constantly fatigued, bored, or disaffected and thus passive-aggressively sabotage their lives. Their suffering is defiant and by "deciding to abort" they reassert their omnipotence.

The narcissist's pronounced and public misery and self-pity are compensatory and "reinforce (his) self-esteem against overwhelming convictions of worthlessness" [Millon, 2000]. His tribulations and anguish render him, in his eyes, unique, saintly, virtuous, righteous, resilient, and significant. They are, in other words, self-generated Narcissistic Supply.

Thus, paradoxically, the worst his anguish and unhappiness, the more relieved and elated such a narcissist feels!

[Additional reading: Millon, Theodore and Davis, Roger – Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2nd Edition – New York, John Wiley and Sons, 2000]

Note: The Prodigy as Narcissistic Injury

The prodigy – the precocious "genius" – feels entitled to special treatment. Yet, he rarely gets it. This frustrates him and renders him even more aggressive, driven, and overachieving than he is by nature.

Not all precocious prodigies end up under-accomplished and petulant. Many of them go on to attain great stature in their communities and great standing in their professions. But, even then, the gap between the kind of treatment they believe that they deserve and the one they are getting is unbridgeable.

This is because narcissistic prodigies often misjudge the extent and importance of their accomplishments and, as a result, erroneously consider themselves to be indispensable and worthy of special rights, perks, and privileges. When they find out otherwise, they are devastated and furious.

Moreover, people are envious of the prodigy. The genius serves as a constant reminder to others of their mediocrity, lack of creativity, and mundane existence. Naturally, they try to "bring him down to their level" and "cut him down to size". The gifted person's haughtiness and high-handedness only exacerbate his strained relationships.

In a way, merely by existing, the prodigy inflicts constant and repeated narcissistic injuries on the less endowed and the pedestrian. This creates a vicious cycle. People try to hurt and harm the overweening and arrogant genius and he becomes defensive, aggressive, and aloof. This renders him even more obnoxious than before and others resent him more deeply and more thoroughly. Hurt and wounded, he retreats into fantasies of grandeur and revenge. And the cycle re-commences.

Grandiosity and Intimacy – The Roots of Paranoia

Paranoid ideation – the narcissist's deep-rooted conviction that he is being persecuted by his inferiors, detractors, or powerful ill-wishers – serves two psychodynamic purposes. It upholds the narcissist's grandiosity and it fends off intimacy.

Grandiosity Enhancing Paranoia

Being the target of relentless, ubiquitous, and unjust persecution proves to the paranoid narcissist how important and feared he is. Being hounded by the mighty and the privileged validates his pivotal role in the scheme of things. Only vital, weighty, crucial, essential principals are thus bullied and intimidated, followed and harassed, stalked and intruded upon – goes his unconscious inner dialog. The narcissist consistently baits authority figures into punishing him and thus into upholding his delusional self-image as worthy of their attention. This provocative behaviour is called Projective Identification.

The paranoid delusions of the narcissist are always grandiose, "cosmic", or "historical". His pursuers are influential and formidable. They are after his unique possessions, out to exploit his expertise and special traits, or to force him to abstain and refrain from certain actions. The narcissist feels that he is at the centre of intrigues and conspiracies of colossal magnitudes.

Alternatively, the narcissist feels victimised by mediocre bureaucrats and intellectual dwarves who consistently fail to appreciate his outstanding – really, unparalleled – talents, skills, and accomplishments. Being haunted by his challenged inferiors substantiates the narcissist's comparative superiority. Driven by pathological envy, these pygmies collude to defraud him, badger him, deny him his due, denigrate, isolate, and ignore him.

The narcissist projects onto this second class of lesser persecutors his own deleterious emotions and transformed aggression: hatred, rage, and seething jealousy.

The narcissist's paranoid streak is likeliest to erupt when he lacks Narcissistic Supply. The regulation of his labile sense of self-worth is dependent upon external stimuli – adoration, adulation, affirmation, applause, notoriety, fame, infamy, and, in general, attention of any kind.

When such attention is deficient, the narcissist compensates by confabulating. He constructs ungrounded narratives in which he is the protagonist and uses them to force his human environment into complicity.

Put simply, he provokes people to pay attention to him by misbehaving or behaving oddly.

Intimacy Retarding Paranoia

Paranoia is use by the narcissist to ward off or reverse intimacy. The narcissist is threatened by intimacy because it reduces him to ordinariness by exposing his weaknesses and shortcomings and by causing him to act "normally". The narcissist also dreads the encounter with his deep buried emotions – hurt, envy, anger, aggression – likely to be foisted on him in an intimate relationship.

The paranoid narrative legitimises intimacy repelling behaviours such as keeping one's distance, secrecy, aloofness, reclusion, aggression, intrusion on privacy, lying, desultoriness, itinerancy, unpredictability, and idiosyncratic or eccentric reactions. Gradually, the narcissist succeeds to alienate and wear down all his friends, colleagues, well-wishers, and mates.

Even his closest, nearest, and dearest, his family – feel emotionally detached and "burnt out".

The paranoid narcissist ends life as an oddball recluse – derided, feared, and loathed in equal measures. His paranoia – exacerbated by repeated rejections and ageing – pervades his entire life and diminishes his creativity, adaptability, and functioning. The narcissist personality, buffeted by paranoia, turns ossified and brittle. Finally, atomised and useless, it succumbs and gives way to a great void. The narcissist is consumed."

What can the victims of these social misfits do to avoid being duped? How can they see this personality for what it is?


Nana&Popa said...

Was this written about the famous narcissist blogger? It sounds exactly like her!She must be the model for which this was written!

Just as she was so sure she was being stalked by someone, when in fact SHE was the one constantly looking to see if her blog was being read by this person.She was sooo very convinced she was worth stalking.She had a constant need to check out IP addresses to see who was reading her blog,and was also letting all know how many BIG names were reading...yeah..right!
She NEEDS her constant attention,needs constant praise for her crappy bags, blankies, and hankies, she NEEDS constant adoration.She is the most NEEDY thing I have ever known.
She should change the name of her blog to Trials and Tribulations of the Narcissistic Blogger!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone realized that all the posters we were required to despise might actually be decent folks who were angry because in the past. they like so many now, discovered the lies, fraud, deceit and duplicity?

Anonymous said...

You are probably right,notrepidation, If only we all had known before the big lie got out of hand. I always taught my children to use their own instincts...not to take someones word that soandso was good or bad. I should have taken my own advice!

Thank goodness it didn't take all that long to figure her out!Sadly there are a few who still have not seen the light,and a few others who don't want to!

Anonymous said...

Well, well well..guess who fell in the well with this very same Bucketblogger? yep, was lost and now I am found and never gonna follow the bread crumbs again cause I do know the way around this good earth and it is far away from this pretend pal~~looks like someone else needs a know where don't ya?

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize just how much Narcissistic Personality Disorder could be contained in such a huge package.

Anonymous said...

The question is, is this person mentally ill? To the point that she cannot help herself? Even the descriptions on the blog made it clear behavior like hers is a choice. Go out and work for what you get, accept criticism and learn, or look for ways to fail, and take comfort in being a victim.

The person I've dealt with is completely aware of what she's doing. She doesn't want friendship, she wants adoration and unswerving loyalty, no matter what. Give and take doesn't appeal to her, just take.

She hadn't just stumbled into something she couldn't handle. She'd done the whole message board thing before. All of it, including using and abusing the posters, and having a mass exodus of people who still feel used by her.

She's a Predator. Out for all she can get, and willing to use anyone and everyone she can fool. We have evidence that she's done this twice now. She learned nothing from the first experience except is 'wasn't her fault'.

I don't know how long it will take her before she tries again, but I have no doubt she will do what she did to us, to other people.

It's only fair to warn them.

Anonymous said...

Most of you have already said it all.I just want to add that the Blogger is a POS.

She is a sicko and is responsible for getting the Mental Health therapy she obviously is in dire need of.

Even if she wasn't "mentally Ill" (not an chance in hell on that one!),SHE IS STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN ACTIONS.

Just because one is "Sick", that doesn't relinquish her part or her actions. She has no right to run riot over good and honest people and play her stupid mind games that are so damn transparent. She needs a good take down or Alabama Ass Woopin'.

To "Anonymous"- I don't know who are, but I suggest you document everything and call the "Po-Po" on her ass as she is making what sounds like idle "Terrorist Threats". The police take that kind of stuff seriously; idle or not. Her address,etc. should be easy enough to pin down as some of "us"(not me) have been to her home in Studio City, CA. You can also track her through her IP address, though, that's a little to techie for me. I'm sure someone here knows how to do it. If it is out of the State of California , then its is a Federal crime and the FBI would be the place to start, or the Secret Service as they handle internet related criminal matters.

How dare she..........

Shame, Shame, Shame!