Friday, January 11, 2008

Once Upon A Time - Long Long Ago

There once was a mythical place called Court TV. You could see it on television and it had some very interesting programs about current crimes and trials. There were a group of reporters and hosts and a lot of people enjoyed it very much. Some might even say it was among the very first "Reality TV".

The people who watched were so fascinated by the subject matter that they wanted to discuss and theorize about the case facts. The audience grew and grew and then Court TV decided to open up message boards on the Internet so the fans could share their thoughts, opinions and theories.

Well things went pretty good for awhile. Sure there were some pretty strong opinions, some pretty loud differences, and some unpleasantness. Certain folks wrote silly stuff just to be contrary, but all in all it worked, and it worked well.

Suddenly the bottom feeders of this society swarmed into view. Their own insecurities and lack of self-worth, their immaturity and for some the opportunity to magnify themselves and become "important" led to grabs for center stage and importance. The useless could pretend to be worthy and they began to do anything to be noticed.

So as so many good things throughout time, things got out-of-hand. The boards had a "moderator" who was totally inept. She would bounce and ban at will - no explanation, no rules to follow, never giving one thought to the importance the "community" was to many decent posters.

Their were evil dragons would cause controversy and complain to the nasty moderator. Without remorse she would toss willy-nilly, to and fro, and finally - there was nothing worth reading left.

The farmer in the dell - the farmer in the dell - high-ho the dairy-o the farmer in the dell - In thge endy the cheese stands alone - stinky old cheese - rotten and stale. . . and all that cold water getting things moldy with not a decent plumber in sight.


Anonymous said...

I was one of the court watchers, that was fascinated with the Phil Spector case. I read all the posts, but didn't post much. When one just sits back, and reads, one can get a better view of everyone.
There were always references to a blogger, Sprocket, it seemed all were reading what she wrote, so I also read. Was very disappointed, it seemed all she talked about was Phil Spector's wife. My impression of this was, she wasn't familar with the legal system, didn't really care what was happening in the court of law, it appeared to me, she was saying "Look at me, look at me" My impression was one of a woman with low self esteem, was envious of other women.
There was a time when another person contributed to the blog, if I remember correctly this person was Dini, what a difference in the reporting. When this person wrote, I read.
After reading this blog, sounds as though several were taken in, swindled, lied to , almost morally raped. For this reason, I am glad that I only read. Would not have wanted to be a part of this scam.
It is time that bloggers such as this are removed from the internet.
When the second trail of Phil Spector starts I will be reading Kim's blog, now that is a person, who knows how to report and blog.

Unknown said...

This supposedly, forever banned from CTV message boards. blogger is still right there with dumbass CW. Forever more trolling with her three minions for more recruits.

Anonymous said...

I too was facinated with the Phil Spector trial.I joined the CTV board late in the trial,and soon was posting with several people who were of the same mind as I.... that he was guilty.

This blogger was so obsessed with Mrs.Spector it was pitiful.I think she was very envious of her, even jealous because Mrs.S had jewels and cars such as the blogger would never own.

I was one taken in by the blogger to join her private board... What a mistake that was! She is a bully on the playground there. Touting the praises of a diet she has been on for years, she SAYS.Well,she does look healthy..especially around the hips and thighs! Then also bombarding us with constant pictures of her sewing concoctions that ant child could do. And constantly wanting praise!

No, I will never let that happen again,and I will never read her pointless blog again as I agerr with anonymous... Kims is so much more professional!

Anonymous said...

I believe her chief reason for attending the trials is to see with whom she can hob-nob. She played the DD card to death. And we only have her word that she is always so graciously receved by AJ. Her ego seems in constant need of stroking.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone rememeber how she would leave a carrot dangling on her blog? She would post and then say she had a great story she would share as soon as she could and then....days would go by.

Kim was to 'go to" blog for PS updates. Every single day of court. The Famous Blogger was merely a jester in the court of the reptilian king.