Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ambition and Technology – Sew High a Price

Trial Bloggers vie for position in the trial gallery, assuming their self-important bloviating will be validated by where they sit, who they speak to, and who may deign to acknowledge them.

One Blogger jostles positions and draws attention with false friendliness and advice for the technically challenged in this brave new kind of courtroom.

Reported: The Judge smiles at the Blogger. Twice!

Reported: The Blogger hears that the Prosecutor is following the Blog's observations closely. It must be true because he walks into Court daily with a huge smile and wink directly to the Blogger.

Reported: The Defense team assigns a monitor to the Blog and the Message Boards for ideas on tactics.

How much of this is real? Impossible to know since much of it may be rumor, and friendly greetings may be just that – friendly greetings to a familiar face.

Reported: Families of the victim have asked not to be bothered by anyone, but they are in close contact with the Blogger away from the scene. There is a measure of comfort in the support for them that the Blogger reflects an honest mirror in a sea of misdirection. When the Blogger is banned from the Message Boards the family is bereft at the loss of those postings. They now have to rely on the Blog alone.

Reported: Dominick Dunne seems to accept, even enjoy the Blogger's camaraderie.
Also reported by someone who was an actual witness to events: "Dominick Dunne did not have any interest in the Blogger. He actually used her from time to time as an unpaid gopher. It was not buddy-buddy as you might be led to believe."

Reported: Jurors seek out the Blogger after the trial to correct a wrong impression.

If a Blogger can make you "believe" will it not feed the feeling of importance that Narcissistic Personality Disorder craves?

It's all going so well. The Blogger ascends the ladder, moves to the back row, where the "up-to-the minute reporters" sit with BlackBerry's and laptops. Sitting in the coveted – and in this curious world, reported on - back row, the Blogger's ambition is fulfilled. Prominence, recognition, the right to preen.

As the testimony happens, the Blogger is on the spot. The readers will get the scoop immediately and direct. The readers respond, "You are the BEST!" They hang on every word, share thoughts and feelings about every observation.

Interestingly, another crime is taking place right there in the Court.

What would law enforcement, prosecutors, jurors, and families on both sides think if it was revealed that the Blogger's sudden technological ability, this in-the-moment reporting is due to an associate devising a way for the Blogger's new Wi-Fi connection to be stolen from a provider?

And if the Blogger is willing to resort to that kind of dishonesty, how much of what they have reported and will report can be believed?

From Imaginary case-within-case files: Theft is reported and the Blogger is escorted from the gallery of the murder trial to face criminal charges of a different kind. Read on if you think this is impossible.

Tapping into Other's Wi-Fi Can Get You Arrested

Have you ever been someplace besides your home or office with the old laptop in hand and attempted to "sniff out" a Wi-Fi access so you can get online? A hotel, a coffee shop, the doctor's office, the airport, or even Courtroom? Well you better be careful in the future, because apparently stealing tapping into a Wi-Fi connection that you do not have authorization to do so can get you arrested.

Michigan resident Sam Peterson was arrested after he was caught repeatedly stealing Wi-Fi from a cafe. Mr. Peterson was arrested under a Michigan law barring access to anyone else's network without authorization. The complaint reasons that since the cafe's Wi-Fi network was reserved for (paying) customers and Peterson never came into the cafe, he was essentially piggybacking off of the open network without authorization.

From the original story:

The arrest came about because Peterson apparently showed up to the Union Street Cafe to use its free Wi-Fi from the comfort of his car, and he did so every single day. A police officer grew suspicious of Peterson and eventually questioned him as to what he was up to. Peterson, not realizing that what he was doing was (at least) ethically questionable, told the officer exactly what he was doing. "I knew that the Union Street had Wi-Fi. I just went down and checked my e-mail and didn't see a problem with that," Peterson told a reporter.

Peterson's actions could result in a five-year felony and a $10,000 fine. Ouch!

It's very lucky for Peterson that prosecutors don't plan on making an example of him. Instead, he will have to pay a $400 fine and complete 40 hours of community service. I wonder if the amount of Internet access he stole borrowed comes close to the fine and hours he has to put in?

So next time you decide to tap into someone else's Wi-Fi connection, better check and see what the law says about it. Oh and if you do it, better not brag to people you intend to crap on either.

As Sir Walter Scott observed, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

The word deceive implies that the deceiver knows that what he/she is doing is wrong – immoral or illegal. Replace the word deceiver with the word Blogger and think about it.


Anonymous said...

You'd be surprised how high that cost can be, what with attorney fees and all. Stealing Wi-Fi is Federal Crime, The clampdown is a coming. Not gonna be pretty for the Famous blogger. Stealing is stealing. The Feds really have a hard on for that sort of activity. Since the Famous Blogger is a nobody and rather troublesome, as her mental illness is obviously not under control; I wouldn't be surprised at all if she is banned from Judge Fidler's court room for PS2. Perhaps local authorities might find an interest in such alleged illegalities, or the mainstream Media.
What will the Famous Blogger do?
Who knows? I'd add, who cares, but I'd like to see her in the can.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

This is very interesting information and I thank you for sharing this with us.
I also wonder if this said “blogger” who sells her sewing wares and is a massage therapist happens to pay sales tax or keeps a sales receipt ledger for either income, which is required by law to pay taxes. Maybe she flies just under the under the tax radar?
Maybe she does maybe she does not, but an honest person who sells items would. When checking the CA state records online, I did not find a business in her name. Or did I find a license for being a masseuse, I thought they had to be licensed. Maybe not?
There are many folks who open a business and do not pay the tax man; the IRS may need to look into her business practices to see if she is following the law. Just an interesting thought to chew on.

Anonymous said...

Never knew until the Heath Ledger death that masseuse's must be licensed and being caught without a license can result in huge fines and/or jail time. This just keeps getting more and more fascinating.

Pirate I notice you had not posted entries for a week. Who or whatever bringa you inspiration - kudos to them and applause applause to you.

Anonymous said...

Look, even the biggest idiot in the world should know that stealing is WRONG. Wheather it is an apple left unattended outside a fruit mkt. or access to WI-FI over the airwaves... it is still theft!If this is being done INSIDE a courtroom, the proper authorities should be notified ASAP! No judge wants a crime being committed in his courtroom!

What a lowlife thing to do to discredit the judicial system!

Anonymous said...

And she was dumb AGAIN to blog about it.

It's all in there.

This is too funny.

Let's see those silver bracelets around her wrists.
Now that would be justice!