Saturday, February 9, 2008

Charla's Song

It was one of the most powerfully emotional court watching experiences since Sharon Rocha finally had her chance to speak about Scott Peterson. Finally it was Soorya Townsley's turn to speak for her daughter, Charla Mack.

"I was one of those lucky mothers to be best friends with my daughter, we chatted three or four times every day. In those last years, Charla and I cleared our past mother-daughter conflicts.

Now when I awake, I feel a thick, deep-seated depression that is hard to shake off. I feel like I have weights all around my body and it is an effort to move. Just like an alcoholic. I have been forced to live moment-to-moment, not to think any further, because otherwise I might have to lie down and die of sorrow.

The day to day reality is I can no longer experience the living picture of Charla in my life. All this stopped now because of an indulgent, cowardly man. THIS MAN who decided to play GOD!!! I don't know if at this point I will ever find peace until I die.

Charla's dream was to sing professionally, or start a business developing seminars for couples. Charla believed she could tame Darren's rage and get him involved. There was a song she wanted to sing to Darren . . ."

And then the music started. It was Charla singing a country-western song. Suddenly, Charla was there in the courtroom, confronting them all. The murderer, the judge, the lawyers, the families, the friends. There she was reminding the of her sweetness, her beauty, her betrayal, her trust, her fear. She seemed to say:






Darren Mack, of the once respected and powerful Reno, NV Mack family, used privilege to plow his way through divorce court, to get it his way. He used anything he thought of to hold up the inevitable.

Lies and accusations, gave fuel to his reasons to stall paying alimony and child support for their precious daughter Erica.

When things seemed not to his liking, Mack upset with a turn in the contentious divorce proceedings, decided Judge Chuck Weller was corrupt.

He stabbed estranged wife, Charla at least seven times when she arrived at his home, (as ordered by the court) to drop off their daughter. Then he drove downtown to a parking garage, where he sniper-style shot Judge Weller from 170 yards away.

A note found in the condo where Charla's bloodstained body was found, made cryptic references to the plan. Simple, "Dan take Erica to Joan." On the morning of the killing Mack's longtime friend Dan Osbourne drove Erica to the home of mack's mother, Joan, at Mack's request. The note also mentioned the garage door at the condo being open before the words, "end problem".

The trial was moved to Las Vegas because of extensive media coverage and possible family influence in the close Reno community. It ended on November 5 when Mack entered his pleas after prosecutors had finished presenting their case. Soon after, Mack changed lawyers, and tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his pleas and get another trial.

Finally, District Judge Douglas Herndon listened to those left behind and then sentenced Darren Mack to a minimum of 36 years in prison, the maximum terms of a plea deal - life in prison with possibility of parole after 20 years on the murder charge.

The judge also upheld the prosecutor's recommendation of sentencing Mack to 40 years with parole, after an additional 16 years for attempted murder with a deadly weapon. Both terms are to run back-to-back.

In handing down the sentence, Herndon cited the heinous nature of the crimes and Mack's lack of remorse.

"The truth is, Mr. Mack is guilty of these crimes, but he doesn't want to hear anything about that," the judge said while emphasizing that while he allowed Mack to speak at length, he never said the one thing he hoped we would hear: "I'm sorry."

The judge went on to make an emotional plea for both families to "be be a bigger person" for the sake of the couple's nine year old daughter.

"You have a young child at a very impressionable age, soon to enter her teen years and the adult life. You all can either choose to raise her, disparaging both parents, or you cantry to get past the court cases, the criminal proceedings . . . and teach her the good things about both these parents.

She needs to be raised with hugs and kisses," Herndon said with tears in his eyes.

She also needs a mother who is alive, and a father who is not in prison.

But the needs of Erica and so many others didn't matter to Darren Mack, one more man, whose personal desires and needs, changed everything for so many. And the beat goes on.


Anonymous said...

Here is a link to the Reno TV station where you can view excerpts from Charla Mack's family during the sentencing phase of Darren Mack. Once the page loads, click on the video on the right titled 'Charla Mack's family speaks at sentencing'.

Anonymous said...

No disrespect to any mother or father out there, I think we all do what we think is best when raising our children.

We all do the best we know how to do with what we have. We at one time or another think that with love and love alone our children will grow into loving productive adults.

Darren Mack
Scott Peterson
Drew Peterson

Watching the parents of Mack and Scott, I have to ask myself, did they raise these boys to have no respect for women? Did the mothers think their love and praise was all these boys/men would need? Did the fathers not show respect to the mothers?

People question all the time our judicial system, our politics, what is wrong with our youth?

The government needs to provide more money for programs, for schools. While in part this is true, I feel more needs to be done at home.

How can you look at your son, knowing he killed another human being, the mother of your grandchildren, and still defend him, still let him blame others?

Parents we need to raise our children to respect and to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Mack's smack, he got no slack.

36 years and still no tears.

Mom snoozed through out the trial, But on the 8th, she was wide awake awhile.

Weller, Allison, without a smile, share that Mack is surely vile.

To make a point for a future trial, Charla's Dad went an extra mile.

Charla's brother was really fumin, put on the record that Mack's not human.

Justice was served, we all agree, wonder with appeal, who will pay the fee?

Sometimes our system is filled with chillers, let this be a message for future killers.

Anonymous said...

How Not To Raise A Narcy or
(Too Bad Mama Mack Didn't Read Up)

Here is how to spot one:

has a grandiose sense of self-importance
is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brillance, beauty, or ideal love
believes that he or she is "special" and unique
requires excessive admiration
has a sense of entitlement
is interpersonally exploitative
lacks empathy
is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

And here are warning signs:

An oversensitive temperament at birth
Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents
Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem
Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback
Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents
Severe emotional abuse in childhood
Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or talents by adults
Learning manipulative behaviors from parents

Darren Mack....may you always have the lumpiest mattress, the hottest cell, the most parched mouth. Oh, and the most popular butt at Ely.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, addendum to my last post. Mr. Mack is already in state prison @Carson City.....


Anonymous said...

I have 2 sons. I love them both dearly.When my oldest was 4 years old, I took him grocery shopping with me, at some point he picked up a balloon and put it in his little pocket.I never saw this. When we got home, i was putting the groceries away, and he came up and asked me to blow up his balloon.When I asked where he got it, I was appalled! I put him in the car, took him back to the store, and made him give it back to the cashier with an apology.The cashier then asked me if he could have it anyway...I refused. I didn't want my son to think he could do that ( I told him it was STEALING) and get by because he was cute, or little or for any reason...I wanted him to take responsibility!Yes, At the tender age of 4!

Now comes Darren Mack. He has admitted to killing his estranged wife, and shooting a family court judge, and what does his mother do? She makes excuses for him! She says what a good father and husband and son he is. She never once said "Son you need to take responsibility for the horrible crime you have committed!" Not once did I hear her say he shouldn't have done it, only giving reasons for his doing it, as I said making excuses as if he had a right to feel so put upon by Charla and the judge.

This is the kind of parenting that produces the Darren Macks and Scott Petersons, and apparently Mark Jensens,of this world.

Its never too early to teach your children the difference between right and wrong, and if they do something wrong, encourage them to take responsibility,along with love and compassion for fellow man or woman.My children know that I love them with all my heart and always will, no matter what they do. I think this also helps them to take responsibility for both the good and bad they may ever do.

Anonymous said...

Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Teach Your Children

You who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past is just a good bye.

Teach your children well,
Their father's hell did slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picked, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.

And you, of tender years,
Can't know the fears that your elders grew by,
And so please help them with your youth,
They seek the truth before they can die.

Teach your parents well,
Their children's hell will slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picked, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.


The relevance of this song written in the '60's is timeless. My heart bleeds for you. Erica. please know you are loved by people like me and so many others you will never known or meet. Nothing I say can ever fix it, Just know so many care. Be strong, not bitter; this will help you accept the hard cold truth. Do what ever positive you are able to do. Cry when you have to, but your life is now. Please live it.

Anonymous said...

I keep wishing I would never read about another murder of a woman by her lover, husband,friend or one night stand.Sadly since this horrible trend is more and more prevalent, I think the blogs and stories will continue for years to come.

Reading this blog entry and the comments you see a theme - a theme of spoiled, entitled boys who grow up believing that they can do no wrong. And if they do something wrong, they won't have to pay. No consequences for their actions - the rules don't apply.

We keep looking for answers, and it's frightening how many times we come back to nurture, not nature. It's hard not to look at the trees these rotten apples fell from.

Momma Mack, you were seen each
day with your eyes closed most times the camera was near you. Were you really sleeping? Was the awful truth so devastating that you had to close your eyes to the facts? I think you have been casting a blind eye to what your son Darren has done for most of his life.

Well, open your eyes and take a long, hard look. Everybody can see Darren Mack for what he really is now and it's not a pretty picture. Andnow you, too, can now see him for what he is each and every time you visit him in prison for the rest of his life. Or should I say your life?

A Long Time Gone is what he will be, time enough for both of you to think about the consequences.