Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Persona Non Gratis? What Took so Friggin Long?

Speak No Evil
Hear No Evil
See No Evil

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, please contact the FBI tip line at 1-877-enoughisenough

Enough is NOT Enough.
We parents tend to reward our children for all accomplishments from the day they are born. Clapping hands and a big hug for those first tiny steps, a special treat for that gold star on a report card. As the accomplishments get bigger and better so do the treats.

Natalee Holloway. Birmingham, Alabama honor student, smart, well-educated, well-rounded, kind, friendly, trusting. Free from fear of others. What was there to fear? Everyone liked and loved this charming, friendly girl.

So time to reward the latest accomplishments. National Honor Society, membership in American Field Services, cheerleader, graduating with honors and off to further her education. On her way to becoming a physician, no question of accomplishment.

School trip for graduating seniors to the beautiful island of Aruba. Excitement, planning, shopping, text messages and e-mails back and forth with friends. The brochure promised:

Adventures You've Never Experienced Before Await You in Aruba!

Bonbini! means welcome, and here, you truly are.
You're welcome to dream. Of endless sun and scenery. Of breathtaking blues and crystal clear ocean and whit, sandy beaches. You're welcome to plan the ideal family vacation or wedding or honeymoon or meeting or simple escape to a colorful world away from home. You're welcome to explore. To make everything that's ours yours. To find the perfect something, or nothing, to do. Welcome to Aruba. This is our home. And we want to share our piece of paradise with you.

One can only imagine the intimate moments and conversations shared between Beth and Natalee during this special time. "When you come back, there's even more to come. A new chapter beginning. College, dorms, sororities, new friends, and study study study." Beth may have said. "All working toward another fabulous graduation day. Wonder what we will plan the next time?"

So while Aruba shared it's paradise with this sweet lovely young woman, whatthefuck was really going on there?


  • Joran met Natalee at a blackjack table in the casino.
  • They went next to a popular island night-spot Carlos and Charlies where the y were joined by two (friendly-looking) young men, Satish and Deepak Kalpoe. JVdS drank a jello-shot out of Natalee's belly button.
  • Approximately between 1:30 and 2:00 am she leaves the club with Joran, Satish, and Deepak.
  • Friends see her being physically assisted and ask her to get out of the car. She refuses and is never seen again.
  • Joran Van der Sloot is the son of a prominent Aruba attorney who was in training to take the bench as a judge.
  • Natalee disappeared on May 30, 2005. A notice was not even posted until June 4.
  • JVdS had a well-known reputation for late nights, exploits with young tourist females, use of drugs and alcohol.
  • The story of what happened following "Joran's" self admitted sexual encounter on the beach with Natalee has changed on numerous occasions.
  • The original story was the the dropped her off at the Holiday Inn. Joran claimed to have left his shoes at the beach a few feet from the liason. Strange, what really happened to the shoes?
  • The Joran changed the story to say Deepak picked him up at the beach, where he left Natalee, because she was unwilling to go. Deepak declares this did not happen.
  • After an entire week to be counselled by the elder van Der Sloot, the boys were arrested a week later.
  • After his release Joran called the arresting officers 'Putas' and criticised the Kalpoe's for 'not getting chicks'.
  • The boys have been arrested and released on a number of occasions.
  • Natalee's family, especially her pittbull mom has done everything from day one to uncover the truth and keep the case from being forgotten.
  • Whether the Aruban's have been stupid or covering up is not known but the investigation was murky from the start. In the first few days Natalee's father was asked if she suffered from seizures. Since nothing was ever said about her convulsing until Joran was caught on tape three years later . . . what did that question mean?
  • Three years later JVdS was caught on hidden tape admitting his involvement in Natalee's death and throwing her body into the ocean, never to be found. He continues to remain smug, rotten, nasty, contemptuous, and FREE.
So Mr. 'My daddy is a Judge', Mr. 'Natalee was a bitch and a common whore', Mr. Sad form of existence, the joke is on you. This was no common piece, expendable at your pleasure and will. You had no idea but have come to find out (Joran's own words), " No idea the magnitude, no idea that 'you know' the fucking mother would never shut up and go away, no idea this would become global.






Anonymous said...

Very,very well written, pirate! I too would like to know what the Aruban authorities will be doing with the confession tapes. Will they at last find that this lousy POS van der sloot did indeed cause Natalee to disappear? Will they at last arrest him and finally charge the lying little creep?Lets get this taken care of now!Its obvious to most that he is Guilty, Guilty, Guilty! Its time for JUSTICE for NATALEE and her family!

Anonymous said...

When will these guys get it? The list goes on and on but the song is getting really old.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Great blog as usual!
What else can be said, as you said it so well.
That's right GET IT DONE!

The guilty need LWOP or DP, thats you Mr. Van der poop! and your peeps, start talking or get the same.

What a botch!

Anonymous said...

Great blog as usual!
What else can be said, as you said it so well.
That's right GET IT DONE!

The guilty need LWOP or DP, thats you Mr. Van der poop! and your peeps, start talking or get the same.

What a botch!